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100th Anniversary
Friday, April 25th - Sunday, April 27th
Event Schedule
Friday: Pre-party
Historic Flabob Cafe Open 0700
1700 Tacos, pizza and alcohol available for purchase​
1700 - 2000 Live Music
Saturday: Flying and Festivities (camping chairs encouraged)
Open House featuring the Wright Flyer Museum, Travel Air Museum, Race Replicas, BT-13 and Rocket Lab
Food & Alcohol available for purchase
0600-0900 Pancake breakfast for purchase in the Shady Grove
0700 Historic Flabob Cafe Open
0800 Morning Brief
Flying open all day with informal fly-bys (1200-1300 Flight operations paused for public aircraft viewing on the flight line.)
1000 & 1600 History of Flabob Presentation
1600-1700 Flabob social at West Coast Air Creations Hangar 21
1730 Doors open for Swing Under the Wing in Hgr 16A - vintage attire encouraged (tickets available at Eventbrite)
1800 Free swing lessons with ticket purchase
1900-2200 Pete Jacobs Wartime Radio Revue (live big band)
Dance contest during intermission​
Sunday: Departure Day
Flabob's Historic Cafe Opens 0700-1500​​​​
Pilot Information:​
Tie downs, cover and chocks are required
Hotel Reservations:
(Located in downtown Riverside close to Restaurants & Bars)
Hampton Inn
Raincross Hotel
Hyatt Place
Phone: (951) 535-5909
Phone: (951) 784-8000
Phone: (951) 257-4592
Phone: (951) 321-3500
Dry camping area available on-site
Contact office (951) 683-2309 for reservations
0700-1000 Generators Operations
RV and Trailer: Rancho Jurupa Park​
Minutes away from Flabob Airport
Hook-ups available
Lots of space
Reservations: (951) 684 - 7032
Transportation Options
Rental Cars (Riverside)
Enterprise Rent-A-Car: (951) 321-4130
Budget Rent A Car: (951) 787-0633
General information:
Office: (951) 683-2309
Airport Manager:
Coleman: (949) 636-6637
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